VIZI automatically converts text-based job descriptions into visual, engaging, branded experiences.
Our brains prefer pictures over words. Text-based job descriptions don’t work in today’s visual marketplace. They don’t stand out.

How Vizi Works
Proven Results
VIZI customers lead the industry with an average 23.2% candidate apply rate – that is nearly triple the industry average of 7.5%.
Candidates review VIZIs an average of 2.5 minutes compared to a 40-second review of a text-based job description. This means more mission-aligned candidates.
VIZI customers experience a 50% increase in employee sharing of job descriptions within their networks – via text, email and social media.
Leverage the power of social media sharing! VIZI enables recruiters and employees to easily share visual job descriptions with the click of a button, resulting in 5X the reach compared to traditional, text-based job post links.

Vizi includes a visual, engaging careers page.
Visuals Drive Recruitment Results
FInd out how by downloading our free guide.

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