With every new year comes new trends in HR. These fresh ideas get us thinking about what we’re currently doing to attract and recruit quality candidates.
Multiple lists and articles tout the “top trends” that will dominate for 2017 in HR recruitment. We’ve done the work for you by scouring the Internet and reviewing top industry articles and blogs. The result is a quick-and-easy version of what you should really be paying attention to in 2017.
There’s a big focus on increasing employee referrals.
Referrals from existing employees are especially important to find top talent. The trick is knowing how to get your employees invested in the process. A referred hire typically onboards faster, is cheaper to recruit and also tends to stay at the job longer.
Across the board, the key to increasing employee referrals is to KEEP IT SIMPLE. Complicating the process deters employees from getting involved therefor the more seamless the solution, the better.
Job posting across social media networks is one of the easiest, low-barrier forms of employee referral. Using a platform like ViziRecruiter, which makes job postings visually appealing, is a great incentive to get employees to share seamlessly on the social networks, via email or even text.
Employer branding is at the top of your wish list.
You know the importance of branding your company to attract quality hires. Unfortunately, budget restrictions limit how much (if any) you can allocate to this area. Your company image, corporate culture, mission and way of doing business is essential in today’s competitive job market. Brand reputation is especially important as it relates to attracting and retaining high-level talent.
Making sure your website and social media presence are up-to-date and reflective of your company is a great place to start elevating your employer brand, however these tactical elements are often left in the hands of a marketing department or CEO. An untapped area to heighten employer branding is in your job postings.
A tool like ViziRecruiter takes a heavy, text-based job description and transforms them into company branding statements. By using photos, graphic design elements, videos and custom content, your job posting works overtime. Not only do visual job posts describe an open position, but they also effectively communicate your company’s DNA.
HR teams up with the rest of the C-Suite.
One of our favorite 2017 HR trends is seeing more and more executives having a seat at the table with other departments and decision-makers. This comprehensive, synergistic approach to business shows that executives at all levels are realizing that HR has an essential role in the company’s success.
Talent acquisition is a top (if not number one) priority in business. With HR executives leading the charge to find quality candidates, it’s their job to bring innovative solutions. Presenting new ideas and advocating for tools and training will ultimately raise the bar and profile of the company.
As trends often come and go, we know that these three areas of focus will stand the test of time in human resources. Increasing employee referrals, strengthening employer branding and continuing to provide and recommend innovative talent acquisition solutions are essential trends in HR for a successful and effective 2017 recruitment strategy.