TLNT is featuring a blog post from Joe O’Connor, CEO of ViziRecruiter, that gives unforeseen details on how a negative candidate experience can have a detrimental impact on your company as a whole. Joe has revealed consequences, such as the deterioration of companies’ financial status, reputation, and overall growth, as a result of ill-mannered treatment of potential candidates. He adds in a collection of both candidate and employer recounts to exemplify each side of the spectrum’s take on these unfortunate circumstances.

The article highlights techniques to improve your candidate experience in order to showcase a positive company image, build revenue, and discontinue the destructive snowball effect resulting from a negative candidate experience. The application of these techniques could mean the difference between growing a prosperous working environment for your employees or self destruction. As the employer, which route will you choose?

Checklist for Improving the Interviewing Experience:

1. The Application

Are you providing clarity and transparency when it comes to the application process? Do your potential candidates know where they are in the process and understand what to anticipate at each stage?

2. Communication

Are you maintaining an open line of communication with the candidate? Are you branding your messages to them allowing them to know you’re viewing them as an individual and not just another applicant in the stack?

3. Interviewing

Once they receive an interview, are you giving the candidate your undivided attention? Are you giving them the opportunity to add any additional information about themselves you may have looked over otherwise?

4. Feedback

If you choose to go in a different direction, are you providing the rejected candidate with constructive criticism and reasons why you chose a different candidate that may assist them in future interviews?


Read the Full Story: Your Candidate Experience May Be Costing You More Than a Candidate