Recruitment marketing is an important concept for recruiters to attract today’s modern candidate. This concept involves utilizing marketing strategies to attract, engage and inform candidates to deliver a quality applicant. While you may already utilize some...
In a candidate-driven market, it’s extremely important to hone in on your employer brand to attract the best talent. Quality candidates seek out employers and organizations that fit their skill set and also their values. Companies with a strong employer brand often...
According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), an employer brand is one of the most important parts of the employee value proposition. It’s what the core of your company communicates as its identity to both potential and current employees, and includes...
Applying for jobs has become more complex than the traditional process of submitting an application and calling it a day. Today, quality applicants are relying on referrals and network connections. These avenues are are more personal, trusted and can often help to...
Employer branding. What is it, exactly? Here’s a basic description pulled from the web: An employer brand is the term commonly used to describe an organization’s reputation as an employer, and its value proposition to its employees, as opposed to its more...
It’s safe to say the world is powered by visuals. The way we communicate with each other is increasingly visual, from live chatting with loved ones on FaceTime to live feeds on Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram. We connect to other people, places and even brands,...