Becoming a successful recruiter takes many different skills, including excellent communication, customer service, organization and even a keen sense of intuition. A large part of the job is creating a seamless experience between the candidate, employer and internal HR...
Over the past few years, HR trends have shifted focus to creating a positive candidate experience, strengthening employer branding and embracing social recruitment. Each year, slight variations to these trends emerge, proof that not only are they effective, but...
Developing a recruitment budget is often presented as a challenging task for HR managers and recruiters. We frequently see a deficiency in wiggle-room when it comes to creating space in the allotted budget for new ideas, surprise expenses, and so on. There are set...
While the majority of candidate experience strategies focus on talent attraction and engagement, the steps that follow are equally, if not more important than your first point of contact. After you have used key recruitment marketing tactics like integrating visual...
TLNT is featuring a blog post from Joe O’Connor, CEO of ViziRecruiter, that gives unforeseen details on how a negative candidate experience can have a detrimental impact on your company as a whole. Joe has revealed consequences, such as the deterioration of...