VIZI Featured On TLNT: Your Candidate Experience May Be Costing You More Than a Candidate
TLNT is featuring a blog post from Joe O’Connor, CEO of ViziRecruiter, that gives unforeseen details on how a negative candidate experience can have a detrimental impact on your company as a whole. Joe has revealed consequences, such as the deterioration of...
Authenticity in an era focused on Artificial Intelligence
The recruiting process for potential candidates has become more sophisticated with the increase in artificial intelligence (AI) by using complex algorithms to sort through data. This allows companies to recruit on a big-scale more effectively due to the reduction in...
Maintain Control in a Candidate-Driven Market
A high demand for specific skills with fewer job seekers results in a candidate-driven market. While this is a plus for candidates, it can be tricky to navigate for recruiters and hiring managers. We’ve outlined ways employers can take more control when this occurs:...